Wednesday 22 October 2008

a dusty old friend.....

I came across an old friend a couple of weeks ago.

We were first introduced in the early 80s through my boyfriend at the time. This old friend & I had some great times together but have not seen him for years . You know how it goes.... we travel through life, have new adventures, find new friends and lose touch with old ones.

It must be at least 15 years since I have seen him and when we met up again I found he had not changed a bit only got dustier oh yes he did seem a bit heavier than I had remembered........

Meet Zenit EM my first 'real' camera..............

Can you believe he weighs a kilo? He is cumbersome but did take some great photos at the time. He went everywhere with me holidays, motor racing .. Zenit was my constant companion.

No fancy camera bags them days just a nap sack from the Army & Navy Stores

I do feel so awful neglecting him (he photographed my life for about 10 years) so I started to clean him up ... snagged a clasp at the side and the back flew open........ low and behold he had a film inside him.
If the film hasn't decayed after all these years being in Zenit in the loft then I reckon I have blown it by opening the back... however it must be worth a couple of quid in Tesco just to see.
I will let you know how I get on...........


Daddy Papersurfer said...

That brings back memories ....... and so do the pictures of the camera .....

Randompom aka AEIB said...

ha ha daddy p... I am having trouble removing his secret film at the moment.....

tNb said...

I love secret surprises like this! It's the part of digital photography that I dislike most ... instant gratification means no anticipation and surprising results. Hope you're able to rescue a few memories ...

Randompom aka AEIB said...

Hi tNb ~ you should try 'click and walk' this gives some magic back to digital photography. It is quite good, just point and click when you are out and about and you are not allowed to look at the photos until you download them ...

Randompom aka AEIB said...

this is an example here


Anonymous said...

I like the 'click and walk' idea. However, with my eye sight in the state it is, I can barely see the images on the LCD screen anyway without my glasses and I can't see through the viewfinder with them on and as I am too idle to keep putting them on and taking them off, all my photos are a mystery until I download them!
Blimey! Manchester has sure changed since I lived there!

misterwoppit said...

Nice bit of kit. Wondervful technology. I must invest in one, as I'm getting really pissed off with lugging my Daguerrotype Kit around with me all the time.

Randompom aka AEIB said...

Daguerrotype Kit surely is not as heavy as the weighty Russian? We must compare scales.....

Randompom aka AEIB said...

Diane ~ I tell you , you would not recognise manchester now.. the IRA did it a favour lol..but you would recognise the rain that is beating down just now .....

I got glasses for reading last year and what a phaff they are .. I only wear them for reading on the train so the chap opposite doesn't have to hold my book for me :-)