Wednesday 9 July 2008

bleak july......

I am British.... hence I have this unwritten right to mention the weather however many times I choose to............
On the 13th July last year I posted how dismal it had been and 12 months later nothing has changed.

I walked through Manchester tonight on my way home with trousers weighing like lead weights around my legs due to the amount of rain water they had sucked up right up to my knees.
I have a hyperactive puppy who needed a walk as soon as I set foot in the house ... so I obliged (result soggy, smelly puppy and a very wet random) then a very soaked teen returned home. Central heating was switched on... for goodness sake it is July!!

One month today I will be in Madrid. I have booked some sunshine.
Well I darned well hope the booking got through??

If this is global warming then someone has missed GB totally in the equation!! We seem to have global wetting.... just typical for us Brits!!


crpitt said...

It is bleak indeed :(

Hooray for your trip to Madrid though :)

Daddy Papersurfer said...

Apart from yesterday, the weather's been quite nice down here ...... the long range forecast for Madrid looks a tad worrying though ..........oh well

Randompom aka AEIB said...

C - there are a lot of pluses to living in the NW but I am afraid that the weather ain't one of them .. how bad is it just now ??

Madrid better be better :-)

Randompom aka AEIB said...

DP - that is why we call you down Soufff 'Southern Softies' you are sooo spoilt down there ... but to say that I feel the demise of the Roman Empire in the UK was maybe down to the Northern weather... if they had stayed down Souff then we would have all be Italian by now lol.. Cornetto anyone?