Thursday 29 May 2008

Big hairdo's in the land of the Scouser

Johnathon Swift as we know was from Aint'ree.
He was used to the swirling desolute winds that blew from the salty Mersey and he composed a ditty called 'Gulliver Unravels', which orginally, is what these photographs from out learned friend, show. To stay intact in this city of culture what must have a decent barnet. If you want to get ahead get a hat, is a familiar phrase, but in Liverpool, this translates as, get a big hairdo that doesn't crumble under the windy sway from the River Merciful.


Randompom aka AEIB said...

hee hee Sunny ... knew you couldn't resist the pull of a great hair do!! :-)

Daddy Papersurfer said...

Does that include perms with a blue rinse?