Saturday 31 May 2008

take the train...........

I am at the stage where I am finalising my summer jaunt to the Continent. That sounds ever so sophisticated, doesn't it?

As many of you will know I just can't do the 'silver bird' bit.
I used to fly a lot but have developed this irrational fear of flying in a weighty cigar tube with wings which hurtles at some speed high above the earth eeeeewww!!

Any way this doesn't stop me from going places and this summer I am off to Madrid. & you know I just can't wait, I love that city.
The journey is by train . Manchester - London Euston, London Euston to St. Pancras, St. Pancras - Paris. I have 5 hours in Paris (fabulous, another favourite city), then Paris - Madrid on the train hotel through the night.
I have booked a first class single compartment and am looking forward to capturing the night scenes as the train rattles through stations in France and Spain. Another joy is watching the sun come up and it showing me parts of the world I have never seen before ... I am so excited.

The plan is to do a travellers sketch book of the whole journey/adventure through photographs, sketches and random momentos picked up en route.

As I am thinking about the sketch book it reminded me that I once attended a class about 'Travellers Sketchbooks' taught by my great friend and (silent ish) partner in crime on this blog - Sunny.
I have known Sunny for far too many years than we care to remember but I had never seen her teach. This will embarrass her now, but she was phenomenal, I was in awe of her teaching technique and knowledge of artistic application... I am not saying this just because she is my friend I am saying this because she IS very good!

I took small bag of photos and momentos, to the class I had gathered on a business trip to Athens and transformed them into these .....

Great fun!!


Daddy Papersurfer said...

Much much better than just sticking photos in an album or on a CD.

And three cheers for Sunny, cos I like to see her blush -

Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray

Randompom aka AEIB said...

Oh yes Daddy P far better than a boring flip over photo album..... the writing does make me laugh as it is a photocopy from a Greek Government publication and probably talks of taxation & boring stuff like that lol

Sunny will be tsking at you !!!

Jeanette said...

Dear Mr Daddy P, you have made me blush...blush is an ace word, it descibes a blush, like a chiff-chaff sounds like its name when its singing its song...aaargh. And Randompom-pom sounds like her name too. She's very complimentary, but she didn't mention I had to throw the backboard rubber at her when she dozed off to sleep whenI was doing my arty teaching bit.

Daddy Papersurfer said...

I used to love throwing things at my students - barbed comments, darts and boiling cups of coffee ...... those were the days ....... ahhhhhh

Randompom aka AEIB said...

randompom-pom lol I like it :-D

After I became conscious again I was more concerned because my hands were blue... it was only later that I remembered we had been indigo tie dying!!!

Randompom aka AEIB said...

Daddy P - why doesn't that surprise me???? lol

The Rev. said...

Wow, that all looks incredible.

Incidentally, you've sparked trepidation in this Reverend to ever step foot into a rocketing cigar tube..

Randompom aka AEIB said...

I think it will be a fascinating trip .... oops sorry if I have instilled an irrational fear in you too :-/

The Rev. said...

A few calming pills, and I'll be fine. Nevermind the kicking/screaming/crying, folks...