Wednesday 24 October 2007

more spammy stuff

Well my junk mail filter has failed me tonight !
I received this lovely email from Fernande Ayers saying 'Here's that stuff, from Chelsea'

I have cast my mind back into the darkest depths of memory (oh there are things that turned up that should be kept in Pandoras Box! lol) and.... no .... can't recall for the life of me a Fernande in Chelsea. Hey I live about 200 miles away from there.

Anyway Fernande tells me

Hey, how are you? I wanted to advise you about something unbelievable, something that you truly need to know about. I'll get straight to the reason behind this email. It is unfortunate that recent research shows that on average less than twenty five percent of all women can obtain a climax from engaging in intercourse alone. Therefore a majority of female partners are left ultimately dissatisfied. You may think that you are rocking her bedroom world but if the truth needs to be told, you probably don't at all! Not to worry though, we have a toy you will love.Take a peek:

oooo a toy! Is it a fluffy one like on the Generation Game? or is it a new generation one like a Wii?

Either way I have told Ferndi in no uncertain words I will not be requiring his or her services/equipment as I am of that age where I can have a toy(boy) of my own .. & batteries are not included or indeed actually needed !! :-)


Daddy Papersurfer said...

With this ring, I thee bed.

Randompom aka AEIB said...

ha ha very funny I like it !!