Monday 15 October 2007

perfect eye

I may or may not have mentioned that in my life each day brings something new.

If I have or haven't it doesn't really matter.

Today as I walked to work on my route along the Irwell I met a colleague. We were chit chatting about the usual 'did you have a good weekend?' 'Oh how soon does Monday come?' 'What have you got on this week' etc etc

As we were chatting (along the tow path along the banks of the river) I stopped dead in my tracks.

The Irwell was still and the bridge was reflecting what I saw was a perfect eye shape into the water.

I said 'oh wow', my colleague said 'WHAT?'

I said 'there ... look... a perfect eye!'

'What? Where?'

So I pointed and said 'There!'

His eyes lit up and he said 'gosh you know I would have never ever have seen that'

Unfortunately I don't carry my camera to work (and I won't for a while as I dropped it and it is damaged .. sob) but here are a few internet images that visualise something similar. But when 'my precious' is repaired I hope I will be able take one of my 'perfect eye'


Anonymous said...

oh they're gorgeous. hope you get your camera soon

Daddy Papersurfer said...

It's amazing what's there that most people don't see..... including me of course.

Randompom aka AEIB said...

Than you Nursemyrs. Yes I am so upset about my camera, must sort it out this week

Randompom aka AEIB said...

Daddy P.... oh come on I am sure you are very wise and all seeing

Daddy Papersurfer said...

Well ....... now you come to mention it *polishes fingernails*