Saturday 13 October 2007

spammy stuff

Have just been looking at my Statcount searches.
Suddenly (and not for the first time) I have flurry of searches for BIDEX FINANCE.... it is a junk e-spam post I highlighted some time ago. The searches on Stat span from Canada through the US across various routes to Bulgaria and other former Eastern Block now accepted in the EU member States (worrying to say the least!). Now the Q is.... who is the genuine person who like me gets this crap, unsolicited mail and who is the scammer looking where it has gone ??
If it is the latter then my original message still applies ...... Go F yourself U Wker .. if it is the former I suggest you do the same as me and reply in a similar pattern.
I hate to rant/get on the soap box but sometimes it is OH SO necessary
btw Bidex et al my spam filter doesn't allow low life to enter anymore .. so there


Daddy Papersurfer said...

No problems with Bidex. I get a worrying lot of Google hits from Old Daddies gay sites. Perhaps I should go with the flow.

Randompom aka AEIB said...

hee hee maybe it is a way forward for you.
I know 70s has a few weirdo hits on her site but it is quite civilised over here ... the only risque hit was 'random places to have sex'...... mmmmm maybe I should write a post on that .... ???

misterwoppit said...

I don't suffer from such inconveniences. Perhaps this is because there is little demand for "dirty woppit chicks with toys". Dammit.

Randompom aka AEIB said...

you do surprise me Mr W.... I thought there would be a great demand for that :-)